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T-Plan Robot Enterprise 2.3.5 WaitFor Command Window

1. WaitFor Command Window Overview
2. WaitFor Update
3. WaitFor Bell
4. WaitFor Match/Mismatch

1. WaitFor Command Window Overview

This window allows you to create a Waitfor command easily via GUI and insert it into the active editor. See the WaitFor command specification for more information on fields and values defined in the window. To open the window select Script -> WaitFor Command in the main GUI menu. Alternatively select the WaitFor Command Window button in the Events Tab of the Tool Panel.

T-Plan Robot Enterprise 2.3.5 defines three basic types of WaitFor commands allowing you to suspend script execution until a certain condition is met. Each of them has a separate tab in the window:

2. WaitFor Update

This tab allows you to create a WaitFor update command and insert it into the active editor. In plain words this command performs a task like "wait until a particular area of the desktop updates but no longer than the specified timeout". The command will be constructed based on selected desktop image update event(s) and options defined in the window. Default values populated in this panel originate from user preferences and may be configured in the Update Events panel under Recording Module group of the Preferences window.

Waitfor update
  1. The first component on the top is Update Event List. It contains recent image update events received from the desktop server. These events represent update of a certain area of the remote desktop. Each event in the list displays the update rectangle in form of x:<x>,y:<y>,w:<width>,h:<height>, update scope (extent) as a percentage of the whole desktop and time elapsed from the last user action (such as mouse click, drag or key press). Note that the list displays only update events which are greater than a certain extent. This limit is by default set to 10% and can be customized in the Preferences window. See also help on the Events Tab of the Tool Panel  which contains a list with similar functionality.

    If you select one or more events in the table, the areas defined by them will display in the desktop viewer as red frames and a WaitFor command gets constructed into the Resulting Command field (5).
  2. The Update Event Options refine the source event details and scope of the update.

    The Generate update area check box inserts the selected event rectangle into the command (parameter area=x:<x>,y:<y>,w:<width>,h:<height>). When on it tells the WaitFor command to wait for update of a specific area of the desktop. The option is by default on.

    The Generate update pass rate check box inserts the pass rate (parameter passrate=<value>%) specified in the Default overall pass rate into the command. It specifies how much of the specified area (or the whole desktop if no area is specified) must get updated to consider the condition met. The option is by default on. See help on Waitfor update for more info about pass rates and update area.
  3. The Update Timing group specifies time parameters.

    The Generate timeout check box inserts a timeout into the command (parameter timeout=<time>). It defines the maximum amount of time to wait for the specified desktop update. The time value is calculated as the time elapsed from the last user action (see the Update Event List above) multiplied by the coefficient specified below the check box. If the Generate minimum timeout option is on, its value is used if the calculated timeout is lower.

    The Reset wait param of previous command removes any eventual wait parameter from the command preceding this WaitFor one. This is aligned with recommended use of WaitFor when user performs an action (mouse click, key press) and starts the WaitFor command to wait for the desktop server reaction.
  4. The Multiple Updates group defines how eventual multiple event selection in the Update Event List should be handled. There are basically two options, (1) to use the count parameter to wait for multiple subsequent update events, or (2) to measure the time elapsed between the earliest and latest selected updates, multiply it by the specified coefficient and append it to the command in form of a wait parameter. The latter approach (2) is generally safer and it is by default on. If the Generate minimum wait delay check box is on, a minimum value is applied to the wait parameter.
  5. The Resulting Command field displays text of the resulting WaitFor command. It updates every time a parameter gets changed. As the field is editable, it is possible to apply manual changes to the command before pressing OK to insert it into the active editor.

3. WaitFor Bell

This tab allows you to create a WaitFor bell command and insert it into the active editor. In plain words this command performs a task like "wait until the desktop beeps (rings a bell) but no longer than the specified timeout". The command will be constructed based on selected desktop image update event(s) and options defined in the window. Default values populated in this panel originate from user preferences and may be configured in the Bell Events panel under Recording Module group of the Preferences window.

Be aware that some clients do not support bell events and the command will not execute correctly. From the default clients, the RFB (VNC) one does support and the Java one does NOT bell events.

Waitfor bell
  1. The first component on the top is Bell Event List. It contains a list of bell events received recently from the desktop. Each list item displays BELL for the event name and time elapsed from the last user action (such as mouse click, drag or key press). To create a Waitfor bell command select one or more events in the list and click OK.
  2. The Bell Event Timing group specifies time parameters in a similar way like the Update tab.

    The Generate timeout check box inserts a timeout into the command (parameter timeout=<time>). It defines the maximum amount of time to wait for the bell event(s). The time value is calculated as the time elapsed from the last user action (see the Bell Event List above) multiplied by the coefficient specified below the check box. If the Generate minimum timeout option is on, its value is used if the calculated timeout is lower.

    The Reset wait param of previous command removes any eventual wait parameter from the command preceding this WaitFor one. This is aligned with recommended use of WaitFor when user performs an action (mouse click, key press) and starts the WaitFor command to wait for the desktop server reaction.
  3. The Multiple Bell Events group defines how eventual multiple event selection in the Bell Event List should be handled. If the Use 'count' for multiple bell events check box is selected, the count parameter will be generated causing the command to wait for the specified number of bell events. If the flag is off, the window doesn't insert count but makes sure that the timeout value is derived from the most recent bell event in the selection.
  4. The Resulting Command field displays text of the resulting WaitFor command. It updates every time a parameter gets changed. As the field is editable, it is possible to apply manual changes to the command before pressing OK to insert it into the active editor.

4. WaitFor Match

This tab allows you to create a WaitFor match or mismatch command and insert it into the active editor. In plain words this command performs a task like "wait until (or as long as) the desktop image matches a template or a list of templates but no longer than the specified timeout". Default values populated in this panel are shared with the CompareTo command and may be configured in the CompareTo Command panel of the Preferences window.

  1. The topmost pair of radio buttons allows you to select between a Waitfor match and Waitfor mismatch. The difference is that a "Waitfor match" commad will hold on the script execution until the remote desktop matches the template while a "Waitfor mismatch" waits as long as the images match.
  2. Image comparison parameters can be specified in the Template Parameters panel. Functionality of this shared component is described in details in the CompareTo Command Window help topic. See also the Image Comparison With T-Plan Robot Enterprise 2.3.5 document for more information about image comparison with T-Plan Robot Enterprise and eventual troubleshooting instructions.
  3. The Timing Preferences group specifies time parameters. The Image comparison interval option specifies how often should be the remote desktop compared to the selected template image(s). Default value is 3 seconds.

    The Define timeout option insert a timeout into the command (parameter timeout=<time>). It defines the maximum amount of time to wait for a match of the remote desktop and selected template image. If you don't select this option, the command will wait until there's a match (or mismatch respectively).

    The Reset wait param of previous command removes any eventual wait parameter from the command preceding this WaitFor one. This is aligned with recommended use of WaitFor when user performs an action (mouse click, key press) and starts the WaitFor command to wait the desktop image to update.
  4. The Resulting Command field displays text of the resulting WaitFor command. It updates every time a parameter gets changed. As the field is editable, it is possible to apply manual changes to the command before pressing OK to insert it into the active editor.