You are here: Chapter 6: Executing Test Scripts > Manual Execution

Manual Execution

Manual execution is usually used in the script development phase and for maintenance, debugging and demonstration purposes. It is the way you have seen in all the previous example videos. You have the GUI up and running with a script open in the active editor and you select the Executeor Execute Selectionmenu item or tool bar button. In this mode you have a full control over the script and you may stop it, pause it, set up a break point or modify the code in editor until it gets picked up for execution.

The GUI even allows you to track the progress through highlighting of the currently executed command. All these features have been already demonstrated in the Script Editor topic. There are just a few more options we would like to mention:

  • You might have noticed the Read Only Modetool bar toggle button. When it is on, the viewer doesn't send any mouse or keyboard output to the remote desktop server except events generated by the script. The tool switches on this mode by default upon script start to prevent you from unwanted interaction with the desktop. This behaviour can be switched off in the Scripting->Executionpanel of the Preferenceswindow. You are of course free to switch to the normal mode temporarily through the menu or tool bar any time you need to interfere with the executing script.
  • Execution tracing has been already mentioned in the editor topic. If you set on the Follow Execution Tracetool bar button, the editor will scroll to keep the currently executed command in the view. The tool further on opens libraries linked through the Run or Include command in editor and jumps to it whenever the library code is executed. This behaviour can be also switched off in the Scripting->Executionpanel of the Preferenceswindow.
  • The Pausebutton and menu item allow to pause the script. Setting the pause on doesn't apply to the currently executed command which gets always finished and the script gets suspended at the point of start of the next command. The Pause functionality is used by other features. Break points set on the pause flag when reached. The tool also supports Step By Step Executionwhere the script gets paused after every command, allowing to execute one command at a time.


12 December 2014

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