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T-Plan Robot | Test Automation ToolT-PLAN ROBOT ENTERPRISE 2.2.x CHANGE LOG

This document describes new features, changes and bug fixes delivered by T-Plan Robot Enterprise 2.2.x releases.


Version 2.2.1 Updates

New features:
  • Redesigned Help menu provides convenient links to all major documents and document collections:
Help menu
  • Editor tabs turn red to indicate syntax errors in the script:
Syntax error reflected in the editor tab
  • Directory plugins/ under the product install folder serves as the default pluging drop-in location. Any JAR files placed there will be scanned for plugins on the tool start up and installed automatically.
  • The Release Notes document was updated with more detailed information on set up of VNC servers on mobile devices as well as with steps required to connect to an Apple Mac OS X desktop through ARD (Apple Remote Desktop).
Bug fixes:
  • The "Take A Screenshot" feature was updated to default to PNG when no file extension is provided.
  • Several bugs in the comparison component fixed.
  • Runaway behavior of multiple Report instances referring to the same report file fixed.
  • Hot keys (keyboard shortcuts) of menu items fixed for Mac OS.
  • Workarounds applied to address different behavior of the file chooser component on OpenJDK.
  • Number of minor bug fixes in GUI features and the product core.

Version 2.2 Overview

New features:
  • Support of Java libraries and integration of Java test scripts with the scripting language:
    • The Include command accepts Java class paths,  JAR and ZIP archives to be loaded into the Java Virtual Machine class path dynamically when the command gets executed.
    • The Run command was enhanced to be able to instantiate Java test script classes by name and execute them. The command also accepts parameters to be passed to the Java class in form of variables. The command's file chooser opening through Ctrl+Enter allows selection of included Java test scripts in the UI (see the GUI Changes paragraph below for a screen shot).
    • The DefaultJavaTestScript template class was updated with documentation on how to integrate Java test scripts with the Run and Include commands and how to declare parameters accepted by a particular test script (see a screen shot).
  • Support of string operations in the scripting language:
    • The String command deals with tasks such as searching the string for a substring, replacement of substrings, matching of a string with a regular expression, splitting of a string into tokens by a substring or a regular expression and assembly of a string from raw numeric ASCII/Unicode codes.
    • The if/else statement supports new boolean operators dealing with strings such as 'contains', 'startswith', 'endswith' and 'matches'.
  • Static Image Client enables to load a static image from file and test it the same way as a live desktop. This feature targets testing of systems producing graphical outputs such as GIS and CAD. The client may be also employed for efficient debugging of screenshots from failed image comparison tasks. See the Login Dialog screen shot below.
  • Object Search is a new method able to locate objects of a particular color or colors within the defined RGB range. This functionality may be employed for GIS and CAD testing to analyze the scene and search for objects of expected colors and shapes.
  • The Image Search comparison method supports new 'tolerance' parameter allowing to deal with applications which render objects in a way which produces minor changes on the pixel level, for example as a result of blurring or merging of the image with the background. This behavior has been reported for Flash applications where decorative texts and even some images are not being rendered in a constant way.
  • Tesseract OCR support allows to retrieve text from the screen through optical character recognition (OCR) using the free open source Tesseract engine.
  • Support of template image collections and meta data. While image collections allow to specify a set of images by a single name (directory), the image meta data are saved for new template images and store the original location and the preferred component click point.
  • Component Capture is a new GUI feature allowing to create a component template image right from the desktop screen and generate the necessary test script code and actions with just a few mouse clicks (see the GUI Changes paragraph below for screen shots).
  • The Read Only mode of the desktop viewer may be toggled through a new shortcut key of Ctrl+F10. This is handy when one needs to take a screenshot or create a template image from a desktop which displays an application driven by mouse moves, such as for example the Windows Start menu.

GUI Changes:
  • Connection to a static image is supported by the Login Dialog:
    Login window with Image Client
  • Selection of a Java test script to be executed through the Run command. The window lists Java test script classes retrieved from the JAR file loaded through Include (the situation shows the state after pressing Ctrl+Enter for the Run command):
    Java test script selection in the Run command file chooser
  • Editing of parameters declared by a Java test script through the Edit Parameters window of the Run command context menu (to open right click the Run command in the editor):
    Edit Properties in Run context menu
    Java test class declared params
  • Component Capture, stage 1: The Capture tool bar button switches the desktop viewer to component image crop mode:
    Component Capture, stage 1
  • Component Capture, stage 2: The dialog defines the image name (collection) and actions to be performed and generates the corresponding code into the active editor:
    Component Capture, stage 2
  • The image comparison controls shared by the CompareTo, Screenshot and WaitFor Command windows were enhanced to support image collections (folders) as well as new methods and parameters:
    Updated CompareTo Command Window



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